The Past the Future, welcome 2021!
First things first:
Just the Best for us all!
So, before i start to write about News about the Store, i choose to tell you something about my 2020 (If you don´t care - just scroll down).
It`s personal so i am gonna wirte in my 1st Language, and here we go:
Mein 2020 hat mit vielen Plänen und Ideen gestartet. Kaum war die tägliche Routine nach den Feiertagen erneut gefunden, veränderte sich die Welt um uns alle blitzartig schnell.
Eine "neue" Routine, von der wir alle betroffen waren, als Kollektiv. Dieses Gemeinsam, unabhängig davon wie die individuelle Warheit aussehen mag, bleibt ein wir.
Es scheint fast so, als ob wir Alle etwas oder jemanden in dem letzten Jahr verloren haben. Deswegen möchte ich mich heute bei allen Menschen bedanken:
- Die trotz Zweifel - ihre Maske tragen
- Die täglich ihre Ängste überwinden
- Die Trost spenden
- Auch jenen die Zweifeln, es ist immer gut Dinge zu überprüfen
- Jenen, die sich erlauben ihre Meinung zu ändern
- Jenen die einen Fehler erkennen und nun anders agieren
- Jeder der begonnen hat, für seinen Nachbarn einzustehen
- Besonders, jenen Händen, die dafür sorgen, dass unser täglich Leben möglich ist. DANKE!
- Jeder Krankenschwester, Pfleger, Arzt, Psychologen, Polizist, der Feuerwehr, Pharmazeuten, der Müllabfuhr, Lieferanten, der Post, den Lehrern, Pädagogen, Amtsträgern, aber vorallem Danke ich dir, ja Dir, genau dir, ja ich meine Dich, der diese Zeilen jetzt gerade liest, DANKE dass DU durchhältst.
Da oft ein Danke ein getarntes Bitte ist, bitte ich Dich weiter aus und durchzuhalten.
Okay now about .Princess Stuff. me myself I & you <3
I really tried to find a place for the new Mainstore and doing some new Stuff.
As i was sent into "Homeoffice" (RL), one of my first thoughts was: okidoki so i will have more time for my hobbies and i can finally indulge my second life addiction.
Well, i was wrong. Austria went into it´s first Covid Lockdown in Spring of Last year. So everything was pretty strange. After a week of my "new normal" at home, i felt some stomach pain. Inbetween hours it was getting worser. Under "circumstances", i had not waited a second to go to the hospital for and quick check up. But i was afraid, and dumb and overwhelmed. Then the Fever kicked in and i called the ambulance. I was told i need, right a way surgery, but because of coivd i have to wait till my covid test result comes back. My health status went from threatening dangours to "game over". After 4 hours my test result was finally ready. Negativ. That was the last thing i remember. After some days ( felt like 5 minutes), i opend my eyes again. The nicest nurse on the planet, welcomed me back and told me, that i had really luck. It was just a small infaction, but because of my time wasting in waiting it got out of hand.
PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL OR DOCTOR if you are in the same or similar Situation.
I spent the rest of the Spring and the whole summer in the hospital or on rehab. I was to weak to hold a cup of tea on my own. I missed my family, my puppies, my home, my garden, and the "normal me".
But i wont whine now, i am grateful that i am alive. Please use my behaving for an bad example, no matter how anxious you might feel, go and let make a checkup right away - do not wait.
Last September i started to explore and create stuff in second life again. But just step by step.
As you can see in my last post, i found a nice place for the .Princess Stuff. Mainstore.
I hoped to stay there for longer, because the land lady was super nice, and the whole place had just a great atmoshere.
But Covid kinda hit us all somehow. My Land Lady had to give up the Land because she had to focus on her Real Life. (I hope she and her loved ones doing fine).
Homeless again. No Groupgifties for you :(
I am sorry. I just was not able to.
I found a new Place, i did some new Stuff.
Thank you for your Patient with me.
And i Do hope you like the new Gifts and the new Location.
All infos in the next Post to read and see.
Just wanna hug you all and thank you.
xoxo Hyacintia & Santa´s litte Helper
(at least one little helper and the cookie stealing mini monster)